aluminum packing machine

aluminum profile wrapping machie


orbital stretch wrapper packing solution for aluminum

I am sure this will assist the onsite team in the management of the equipment on site.


As part of the documentation process, could I please request a pdf copy of your audit certificate

Certificate no GB/2067/3242/11 Issue 1


This is required for us to show that you have been audited by an authority for CE validation.

To clarify the financials please find below:


–          When the returned light gates are received via DHL, JPM will raise a credit for $5100.00 – Correct?

–          Equipment enclosure damaged in transit and replaced in the UK at a cost of £6190.77 – does JPM claim this on the shipping insurance?

–          Cost of replacement gates and safety circuits undertaken in the UK and agreed by JPM was £6950.00 minus the cost of the original gates leaves a shortfall v original quote of $4250.00 – Vincent advised below this will be credited to our account.

–          The following identifies items outstanding from Ed for your review and advice:

o   Shipping information and expected delivery date of the agreed spares package

o   Further drawings on the drive wheels of the orbital stretch wrapper

o   Mechanical drawings for the wrapper ‘shuttle’ – we don’t expect this to be an issue esp. as there is a spare being provisioned but for completeness we would like the drawing for this

o   Further information on the CE validation process for the orbital stretch wrapper machine.  As we have no information about what they company did to qualify the equipment to the required standard, we need something that shows us that they have carried out some form of due diligence in their design and build processes.